Marriage is such a beautiful thing. A person comes in your life and changes it forever. Both partners put effort to make life beautiful. But sometimes it is not the way we want it to be. When a wife says I hate my husband, we think of many reasons in the blink of an eye. But when a husband says I HATE MY WIFE then it takes the turn we were not expecting.

A man stood near a car-i hate my wife

Causes why some husbands say I hate my wife

We have this common image that men cheat or show anger or abused physically or emotionally. Because of which a woman hates her husband. But when a man says I hate my wife then we can think of the following reasons why he thinks like that.

1. She shows no gratitude 

Many husbands say with sorrow that my wife never appreciates me. I earn for her, I take care of everything she needs, I take into consideration that what the children want, I take her out for dinner and shopping, I spend my half-day working so hard so I could fulfill the needs and wishes of my loving wife. And In return what I get? Honey you don’t love me anymore, you are not the same you used to be before marriage, why don’t you take us out twice a week, etc. ALWAYS Complaining!!

For once in a while please appreciate the efforts that I make for you. I try my level best to make you happy and to fulfill all your wishes and in return, I always get a complaint list.

For God’s sake, show some gratitude once in a while, please? 

Ladies, It’s true. Husbands work hard to manage all the expenses. and also try to make your wishes come true. Here all he is asking from you is to acknowledge his efforts that he is making for you to make you the happiest. 🙂

2. She wants me to change

Sacrifices are made in marriage. It is expected from both the partners to understand that when and where to make changes in your personality according to the needs. But If only one partner is making all the changes and the other one is not ready to mold then problems happen.

There are some wives who think that they have come to their husbands leaving behind her family So she has have made enough sacrifices already. they expect their husbands to make all the changes that are required in the working of marriage. This builds a lot of pressure on the husbands and they could not handle this pressure. Which makes them say that I hate my wife.

Ladies, it is true that you already have had made enough sacrifices but remember that sometimes it’s you who needs to change or to make amendments in your behavior or in your personality to make the marriage work more smoothly or happily.

a girl is in the lap of a boy

3. She takes decisions without my consent

After marriage there comes a time when a couple has to take important decisions. Moving to a new place, buying important stuff for the house, newborn child’s name, deciding on the school for the child; are some of the examples that are considered as important decisions.

But it is mostly seen that wives take these decisions and then tell their husbands about the decision or the other way they chose is, to make all the efforts to convince their husbands about the decision they have already made in their minds. Give all the possible examples, positive aspects and its importance that the husbands get convinced to do it the way their wives want to. This is the trick wives use very well. 😉

Ladies be gentle, don’t always decide on the things already. Let your husband take the decision once in a while. Maybe they can also take decisions as good as you do… 😀

4. She discusses our personal matters with others

Women have this habit of telling everything to their mothers or to their best friends. Which is fine before the marriage. But once you are married it is very important to keep some things to you only. It is a very known and applied fact that if you are having a fight with your husband and you share it with your mother, sister or any close friend, They will associate your husband’s image to that forever.

You will move on and sort out all the differences with your husband and will continue to live happily. but they will always remember this. Which will affect your husband’s image in front of them?

This makes your husband say that I hate my wife.

Respect the privacy you share with your husband because respect is reciprocal in that relationship between husband and wife.

5. She remains insecure all the time

Insecurity in the relationship of husband-wife is the most commonly found issue. Wives get insurance when it comes to their husbands. No one wants to share their husbands. Men are out of home most of the time, they work in the offices and there are females workers as well. the insecurity is very natural.

But sometimes some wives become so to ensure that they are always checking their husband’s mobile and activities which makes the husband offended. If the husband is seriously cheating on his wife then he will become more alert from such acts of his wife. But if the husband is loyal then such acts will offend the husband and make them say that I hate my wife who doesn’t trust me and is always insecure.

Ladies, It is advised that if you have doubt that your husband is cheating on you then surely do spy. But if you are insecure without any reason then don’t do this. This will destroy your relationship because it will make him irritated and will not listen to you again on this matter.

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6. She’s always right

She’s always right. A girl is never wrong, she never commits any mistake. This is what we women believe in. We are not even sorry for that. Oppss.. haha.

This thing annoys husbands so much that they are forced to say that I hate my wife. I am the one who has to say sorry to her always as she is always right and I am always wrong.

And if once in a thousand years she agrees on the fact that yes it was her mistake, she was the one who committed the mistake then she wants to get forgiven the minute she apologizes. A man needs some time to forgive and to get back to normal but women are bit impatient in this matter. They believe that it’s their insult that even after the apology, she has not been forgiven. Which makes them angry. So, again it’s the husband who is asking for forgiveness..

7. She changed after Marriage

Wives when they are not wives, tend to be different. At that time they are carefree as they don’t have many responsibilities to look after the family and its needs.

Men say that the girl we loved once and wanted to get married, has changed and she is not the same after marriage. Which makes the men think that life is not that exciting as they imagined. They feel why did we got married as it has ruined what we had before as a couple.

Ladies, It’s right. We should always maintain that charm and personality traits that we had before marriage. Your husband loved that girl and now as you have changed your behavior and personality because of family commitments and burdens then this is not right. Always try to find a midway, a balanced way.

a couple sit at the roof-i hate my wife

 8. For her Children are everything

When we got married, I and my wife were totally into each other. We were the perfect romantic couple. People use to give examples when it comes to love. Then my wife got pregnant. We were very happy. During pregnancy, she had her mood swings but that was fine as it was natural. Then one day before to birth of our child was the last day I remember that we shared the loving, undivided attention with each other.

Ever after since she is always into the baby. Whether the baby is hungry or crying or wants to sleep etc, etc. Where am I gone? Don’t I deserve some attention as well? What about all those loving times we used to spend with each other? I hate my wife for this.

Ladies, it’s natural to get attached to your babies as they need you all the time. but try to maintain a fair balance in the relationship with your husband as well. They were ready for the baby, not for you to go away.

a couple is sit around the table on chairs

Some tips to improve your relationship with your wife

  • You must talk to your wife about your concerns that you are feeling about your wife.
  • Both of you must discuss all the problems and issues that both are complaining against one another.
  • There may be some mistakes from the husband’s side. You should also improve your attitude towards your wife.
  • Try to spend more time with your wife that you can better understand your wife.
  • Build a friendly and romantic relationship with your wife that she feels good with you.
  • Give some time to your wife that she change her behavior and attitude towards you.
  • The environment of the house must be peaceful so everyone can feel relaxed at home.



All the above-mentioned points depict the reasons why a husband says “I hate my Wife” All that is needed is mutual understanding and friendly relationship with each other.  

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