It’s a beautiful evening and I don’t know why I am missing my Ex. Is it because I still love him/her or is it just the weather making it all romantic. No matter what it is but I miss my Ex.

Love makes you go crazy for someone, you can watch your loved one all day long, you can talk to them all day and never gets tired of it.

There one glance becomes your wish. and You want to be around them all the time.

But when they are not in your life and they become your ex then it’s a natural feeling that you are gonna miss them and would want to make the things right again.

Fate sometimes just has some other plans for you and to get back together remains out of option.

It’s possible that you are going to miss your ex for no reason and sometimes for many reasons.

First, we will see why do you miss your ex.

a girl is holding a book-I miss my ex

Why Do I Miss My Ex

Everyone goes into a relationship. This relationship turns into marriages but sometimes this relationship fails and we go in crises of facing this situation.

We remember our ex sometimes with anger or sometimes we miss him/her. There may be different reasons to remember him.

I Miss My Ex Because I Still Love My Ex

You still love your Ex. When you are not the one who wanted to end everything and you have thought and planned your entire life with your ex then their separation is not easy to accept.

You start to think as if he/she was here with me, What if we were going for a vacation together, what if what we’re getting married..etc.

All such thoughts keep on coming because you never wanted to get separated and you still love your ex.

But fate has some other plans for you so you cannot even get back together with them.

I Miss My EX Because Of I Still Have My Ex’s Belongings

The pictures of your ex with you, without you, the text messages, his voice messages, the gifts your ex gave to you, the perfume he used to wear, the belongings…

How do you expect not to miss your ex when you still have all the things kept saved that belongs to your ex.

Kept attached to the memories you had with your ex will make it more and more difficult for you to forget your ex. No matter how hard you try to move on. 

My Ex Is Always Around Me

When your ex is your classmate, school/college mate, your colleague, or some family friend. then it is not possible not to see him again.

No matter how hard you try to avoid him or not to be around him but there is no choice but to be around him.

This thing makes it very awkward for both of you and at the same time becomes difficult to pass out the feelings for each other.

To see him laughing, talking, having fun reminds you of the time you spent with them. love is not that easy to happen but is even more difficult to forget and move on.

Couples Around Reminds Me Of My Ex

Whenever I watch a romantic movie I miss my ex, Whenever a couple is around me I miss my ex When I see them cuddling, talking, laughing, going out together; I miss my ex.

The time we spent together flashed before my eyes and all I want to do at that time is to get back together with my ex.

 If it was that easy…

He/She Liked That Songs I am Listening

Listening to the song that your ex liked, or the song on which you had your first dance together, the song you sang for them for the first time, the movie that has a special place in your heart because you watched it with your ex.

I miss my ex…

I miss my ex…….

Do I need to say anything more..?

a boy is standing with wall

I Miss My Ex But How Can I Stop Missing Him

How to stop missing your ex? Why you were missing your ex is what you were feeling.. but how to stop missing your ex is a process.

To go through the process could be difficult but sometimes that is the only option you have.

Let’s see how you can stop missing your ex and how to move on.

Avoid Getting In Contact With Him/Her

No matter how hard it seems or it felt. You have to avoid getting in contact with them. you can do this by the following ways

  • Block him from social media
  • Delete his pictures and Messages
  • Get rid of the gifts given by him
  • Avoid going to go to places where he could be present
  • Avoid meeting with his friends and family members, for at least 1 month or until you feel that you have moved on.
  • Get a proper closure so you may not feel any need to contact them again.

Put Your Feelings In Black And White

Put your feelings in black and white means to write down your feelings for him on paper. Let your tears roll down, Let yourself feel sad and write all your feelings on a paper.

Read it again and then tear it apart. You will feel better. Embrace your breakup. It’s very important to let your feelings out of your body because if you will keep them inside, they are going to burst out one day or another, one way or another.

So why not do it at the start of your breakup. The sooner you let your feelings out the sooner you will move on.

Remember Why Did You Break Up With Your Ex

Remember what were the causes of your breakup. Who were on the fault, Who did more efforts, why it came to an end, why it was important to end it.

These factors will clear your vision and will stop you from wanting to get together again.

It’s very natural to get carried away and to get ready to forget everything just for the sake to get together again when you are missing your ex.

But once you are clear and are normal then do remember that why did you break up.

 Recall What You Didn’t Like About Him

Recall and remember what were the bad things about your ex.

Which of their habits used to make you get angry, what were the reasons you both used to fight a lot.

The reasons could be as big as cheating and as small as being lazy etc. The point here is to make you miss them less by remembering the things you unlike about them.

This formula is going to work whenever you are missing them and want to be with them.

You can apply this technique to other people, in other situations as well.

Keep Yourself Occupied

You miss your ex mostly when you are alone and are not doing anything. It’s very important to make yourself occupied and busy. It doesn’t mean that you have to work and study.

a girl is looking at something-i miss my ex

The Followings Are The List Of Things You Can Do To Keep Yourself Busy

  •         Watch movies, sessions and a TV show.
  •          Go out with your friends or family.
  •          Start doing morning walk this will bring positive energy within yourself.
  •          Make new friends
  •          Get a pet
  •         Make meals for everyone or for yourself.
  •         Start drawing, book reading, painting


Always Remember You Come First

It’s the time when you take a break and focus on yourself. Self-love is a very essential and important thing to keep yourself fresh and positive.

Eat healthy food, Get yourself a salon treatment, see what you like and dislike, Prioritize your needs. Set your goals, discover your passion, travel alone to fall in love with nature.

Put yourself first because you come first. Everything is secondary. This approach will help you move on and to get your content.

Change Your Environment

Modify your environment. Being in the same place will make you miss your ex more and more.

You need to get out and change your environment. Traveling is also a good option. Go with your friends or alone just go.

Go to some other city for a change. This will really work. Please don’t take anything with you that can make you miss your ex more.

Go with a purpose to explore and to realize that there is a lot more in the world to do then you already knew.

Patch Up !!

If by applying all the above-mentioned techniques and methodologies doesn’t work for you and you still miss them like anything. Then go get your ex back. Yes. What else should I say to you?

You clearly love them even now. Give it another try and let it work but this time keep all the mistakes in your mind and make a better plan where you can avoid the mistakes you committed the last time.

Start your relationship with a new zeal.

Good luck!!

a couple is hugging


When you love someone then it’s common sense that you are going to miss them once you are not together. What important is that you try your level best to move on and to forget them with dignity, respect, and peace.

Have a good day. 


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