How to make time go faster is what we are going to discuss today but first, the question is that why do you even want time to go faster?

  • If you are a student then obviously it’s because you want to go home as soon as possible. Like seriously who wants to stay at school for such a long time as 7 hours.
  • If you are an employee then it is also understood that office work is sometimes very hectic that you feel as if you have done the work of a lifetime and other days are as boring and dragging.
  • If you are married and you want the time to go faster then it either means that you are very happily married that you want to go home or your spouse to come home earlier so you can spend more and more time with your loved ones. Or you are in a marriage that is hurtful.
  • If you are an elderly person then time surely does pass slowly and a day feels like a week.

All these phases and circumstances of/in life are real and need to be taken care of. And today we are here to do so.

Now let’s discuss time management and how to accelerate the speed of time. We will discuss this with each stage of life.

Further Readings:

How To Make Time Go FasterFor School Going Kids

Try to enjoy the lecture

Try to enjoy the lecture. I know it sounds boring but believes me you can enjoy it. Try to concentrate on it. Listen and think of the interesting facts about the topic that you can ask your teacher at the question-answer session. This will definitely keep you hang in there.

Talk to your friend in between period breaks

We wait for the lunch break to talk to our friends and discuss out whatever we wanted to. But you can always talk to them in between the period breaks as well. Although it’s just for the maximum 5 minutes of time but still it helps you keep going.

How To Make Time Go Faster – For Office Going People

Think of an extra task to do

Think of an extra task to do means that before going to the office or before sleeping at night think of a task that you can do in your spare time. That could be the file management, some due report making, etc. This will keep you busy and your time will pass faster.

Challenge your friend colleague/ colleagues to do something ( work related)

To challenge your friend colleague/colleagues to do something means that you can set up a bet and everyone has to work on it. This will be fun + time will pass rapidly. I mentioned work-related because otherwise, it can create a boss related problem for you.

The example could be, challenge your friends to find 5 less known facts about the finance department of companies.

Tasks like these will make your office time fun and you would feel encouraged to go to the office.

Stop seeing the clock and Read books/newspaper:

When you want time to go by faster then one way is to stop looking at the clock every 5 minutes. Keep yourself occupied. You can read articles online. Or you can read the newspaper. A newspaper carries interesting information and also keeps you busy for some good time so go-ahead for it.

Listen to music while you work

This practice is very satisfying especially when you are doing some boring work.

Most of the time when you are doing such a boring task as such putting up the numbers from the hand sheet to the computer then you can easily listen to the music. You know which work can be done while the headphones on. So why not do it and enjoy it. Music is the best traveling partner so whenever you are traveling back home from the office you can make a list of your favorite songs and there you go, buddy.

How To Make Time Go FasterFor Married People (staying at home)

Make a to do list

For a person staying at home (mostly it’s a woman) can make a to-do list based on the tasks to be done on a daily basis. Eg. Clean the guest room, arrange the cupboard, cook some new dishes. One task a day would be sufficient to keep on occupied and distracted.


The best way to keep yourself busy is to read in your spare time. Once you are done doing all the house chores, you can grab a good book or even a newspaper.

This can be addictive as well. And it’s addiction is fine.

Have some ME time

When you feel bored and feel like the time is dragging and want it to go faster then why not think of some me-time? Take a long bath, sleep, do some meditation, do yoga or exercise, or anything you want to do. This can be so refreshing. Self-love will be developed and stress will be released. So try and enjoy it.

Have some visual fun

Visual fun is referred to here as watching television, movies can play online games. Nowadays it’s very easy and a common thing to spend your time on social media. You can spend hours on it (Which is not a very good thing). This will definitely help the time to go faster.

Cook or bake, as you like

You can always cook some delicious dinner for your family. Or can bake something. The Internet is full of recipes and it also keeps your family together. As it is said that the way to your heart is from the stomach. So why not make everyone happy and let’s cook something yummy. ( A suggestion, cook new dishes less often to keep the charm alive and sometimes do it on surprise basis as well).

How To Make Time Go FasterFor elderly people

Be a story teller

Being old is difficult. You become fragile and weak due to which you don’t do much. For the elder people, it’s most likely to feel that how to make the time go faster. What they can do the best is to tell your grandchildren the stories from your life experiences. This will be very interesting and will keep your mind busy thinking of different stories to tell the kids. This way the kids also stay connected with you and the bond will be stronger.

Pray and meditate

At this age most of the people are largely into prayers and focused on their religious practices, which is good and recommended as well. It gives you relaxation and make your heart refreshed.

Praying and meditation is very good but one should also indulge themselves in other activities as well. Praying always and all the time will cut you off from the world. So keep the balance maintained.

Spend time with nature

Go to your lawn, or to the nearby park to have some fresh air. Enjoy nature as it’s very healing and refreshing. You can spend hours with a beautiful view in front of you. Seeing children play in the park, butterflies humping from one flower to another, fresh air. This will be a very healthy activity to do.


We have seen that each phase of life has some moments where we just want time to go faster. We have touched here all stages of life and have discussed the best possible practices to be done when you want the time to run fast.

Life is small try to avail and enjoy each and every moment of it.

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