Relationships strengthen or unsuccessful for many reasons. Emotionally Unavailable men can also be a reason behind the failure of the relationship.

The relationship becomes strong when partners are similar to one another, have certain personal characteristics, and both have positive implicit feelings about each other.

And another side of the story is why relationships fail when problems develop between partners who are too positive toward one another and thus fail to face important issues.

Relationships also fail when partners adopt an exchange rather than a communal perspective on the relation and fail to maintain at least some positive illusions about each other.

When partners avoid their pitfalls and develop a good balance in their relationship, the relationships often grow stronger and deeper over time. Emotionally unavailable partners are very hard to deal with.

You have a partner for the last many months. But you find a lack of emotional stability in him. Both of you are happy with each other, enjoying your sexual life together but something is missing. This is emotional availability.

emotionally unavailable men

What is Emotionally Unavailability?

Emotionally unavailable men always hide their feelings and never express them openly. He does no care for the feelings of others. He keeps the relationship undefined and casual and does not show strong emotions for the partner. Hence, he builds physical relationships but emotional bong is absent.

What Are Some Possible Causes Of Emotionally Unavailable Men?

Lack of Parent-Child Interactions:

The parent-child relationship plays an important role in the emotional stability of an individual. The parenting style that is based on a lack of attachment and fearful-avoidant or preoccupied resulted in an individual who lacks emotions and hesitates to share their feelings with others.

Social Learning Experiences:

Lack of opportunity to interact with others and failure to develop some basic social skills may also be a cause of emotionally unavailable men.

The individuals who feel discomfort with interacting with others and they have a lack of social skills in their adolescence period later in their young age find it very difficult to build their relationships.

Negative Effects of Mental Illness:

Depressions, anxiety, unhappiness fear of intimacy feeling unappreciated are the effects of mental illness that some person faces in his life. The result of these mental illness cause emotional unavailability and instability in their later life.

Signs of Emotionally Unavailable Men

It is not easy to handle emotionally unavailable men in your life. This relationship makes your life a little challenging.

No one is perfect and you have to admit this fact.

Whether it is the girl or boy, the emotional unavailability of partners becomes difficult for the other partner.

Men do not affect severely when the female partner is emotionally unavailable. While the women affect badly if their male partner is emotionally unavailable. Because women need more emotional attachment than men.

If women do not find attachment and emotionally available partner they become anxious and feels insecure.

He Never Shares His Feelings

Your male partner does not open up to you about his emotions and feelings. He always asks you, that how you are doing but will never let you know how he feels. He is emotionally unavailable for you or he won’t even take interest in your emotions as well.

No doubt emotional sharing is missing in your relationship.

a man stood in sad mood

He Always Feels Uncomfortable When You Are Emotionally Disturb

Whenever you are disturbed or stressed, he does not try to calm down and remains silent. Mostly he avoids such situations because he does not know how to react in such situations.

He will reply to you in an unusual way and you will not satisfy with his behavior.

So he continuously wants to listen to you but will not say a single word.

He Never Shares His Past With You

An emotionally unavailable man never talks about his past. His past is a mystery. He always makes lame excuses whenever you want to talk about his past. He will make lame excuses like my past was very simple, nothing special to share with you. “Sometimes your man will get angry that why are you taking too much interest in my past. Have you any doubt about my past.”

You feel guilty after listening to that type of statement. His past becomes an unknown and unsolved mystery to you.

He Acts A Sarcastic Way To Out Of You

He tries to choose the sarcastic way to run away with emotional situations. This type of man will not sit with you and never console you. He would rather select to be sarcastic about it and will try to get you out of that situation by being all funny and careless. He tries to be humorous way than emotional healing.

This strategy works sometimes but not always. It irritates you and you will feel discomfort in this situation

He Is Very Hard To Get Along With

Yes, he is very hard to go at first. It is all your efforts to take him into the relationship. He always remain emotionally unattached.

He frightens of making a long-term commitment. An emotionally unavailable person doesn’t care about being attached to something emotionally. He feels comfortable in just being there, physically and mentally. Emotional presence of the other partner doesn’t attract him much.

You can say “no feelings attached.”

You Are The Effort Maker

It all because of you that your relationship is alive. The female partner makes all the efforts to keep this relationship.

Whether it is valentines’ day, birthday, or any other special day. You have to put all the efforts from planning to arranging special occasions.

You are the effort maker in this relationship.

For example, if you step back from him and do not celebrate any occasion it does not affects or bother him.

It is you who always remember special dates, apologize to him first even the mistake is not yours. All the relationships are based on your efforts.

a man sit near the lake

May You Find Helpful

How To Cope With Emotionally Unavailable Men

Here are some points that will help you how you can handle a person who is in lacks emotions and how you can cope with him.

Express Your Needs To Him

you need to make realize your partner that you have some expectations from him and you want his favor in every matter of life.

Just tell him what is going inside your heart and you have some desire to physical. Express your feelings to him.

You don’t need to be rude or angry while telling him but do it with some trick.

Like, try to feel him how special is he for and you can say “I missed you today.” While holding his hands and hugging him.

 “I was feeling very low, I wish I could share my feelings with someone.

These are some tricks that you can do to him. if he understands you then definitely he will show some emotions towards you. If he remains the same and does not bother him. Then it is okay to show some anger and realize that he is not doing good.

Accept His Flaws As It Is

If something or any habit you dislike in your partner don’t always bother to leave those habits. You must accept his flaws and falses also. Just leave them as it is. It will take time but with the passage of time, he will change them.

It may be difficult at times but the best way to accept it and to make your heart satisfied with it is to remember the good things that he has like good habits and his attractive personality.

By admiring his good traits on one hand and his emotional absence on the other, you will definitely able to satisfy his good traits.

Another thing is to remember and know that no one is perfect in this world and that your man is lack feelings and emotions.

Other than that he is all you want. And list down your good and bad points as well. This will show you that you are also not perfect.

Also, try to remember your flaws and bad habits then you will realize that you are also not perfect. It will help and ease you accept your man. So try to strengthen your relationship.

Maintain A Strong Emotional Connection With Your Family 

You can look for other people to give you attention care and love which is lacking from your love or married life. You have other relations like parents, siblings, and friends also.

So try to keep in touch with them and share your feelings and problems with them.  

Make your relationship strong that whenever you are emotionally disturbed or restrained, you can share with them. Don’t rely on your man only.

emotionally unavailable men

Show Patience And Flexibility

You must be very patient and flexible In dealings with your emotionally unavailable.

Infect this is not easy to be around someone who Is always unable to understand your emotions.

Because you are the effort maker in this relationship you have to be patient and show flexibility. 

As you know that he is trying to be better in emotional handling. He is struggling and making efforts to become emotionally stable, it is your duty to give him some time and help him.

. If you want to make him successful in this battle you have to be calm patient and flexible in your dealings.

Keep An Eye On His Emotional Growth And Progress

When he is trying to get better and work on his emotional growth then you need to keep a check on his progress.

This will not only help you with patience but also will give him the motivation and encouragement to keep moving. Encourage him that he is doing very well and he is changing his behavior positively.

Always help in trying different techniques and approaches. Don’t let him lose his hope of doing things emotionally better. Especially if he is trying to better after your request.

You Are The Role Model For Him

The best way to teach him emotional availability, first you need to practice this by yourself. You are the role model for him.

Show him love affection and care that he will automatically care for you. Treat your emotionally unavailable men with understanding and care whenever they need you.

When he will observe that you are always there for him, he will automatically change and starts caring about your emotions. 

So set an example for him to follow you.

Complain Him For His Wrong Behavior

Sometimes you should compliant with his wrong or rude behavior. You are compromising a lot with him but sometimes it’s your right to complain against his behavior.

Make him realize that you need his support but he is not there for you. There are two types of males.

The one who will understand your silent behavior and that you are not complaining to them, on the other hand, the man comes who needs to realize by complaining and fight for your right. They need a constant realization.

It is advised that try to change them for a time. After some months or years if you find there is no change in your partner and he is still emotionally unavailable. Then it is time to say goodbye.

Because you do not only need physical relation but the emotional bond is also very important. If there is no minor change then let him go away.


emotionally unavailable men exist in every society. You need to realize the fact that your man is emotionally unavailable. Sometimes love and affection changed that person whole why the others never change.

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