Long distance relationships are very hard to handle. Every relationship needs attention and efforts to build stronger but long distance relationships need extra care and attention.  In this article, we will cover long distance relationship problems among partners and try to find solutions to these problems. We often heard from people that “long Distance relationship never works” but you don’t need to be worried because there are many examples of successful long distance relationships. Trust among the partners is the key point in this relationship. You need to trust in your partner and be patient things will soon better.

Long Distance Relationship Problems

Long distance relationship works totally, for some reason these are good. You have to be realistic approach and don’t distress hardships are part of life.  Let’s discuss the most common long distance relationship problems and how to overcome them.

long distance relationship problems

Communication Problems:

Miscommunication is the most common problem an LDR. For example, your Partner is not available when you want to talk to him. You are continuously texting emailing and even calling him but he is not responding to you. Your messages are still unread. You want to want to on some urgent issue but he is not responding. You want to attain your partner’s attention but he is consistently ignoring you.

Sometimes you feel you’ve nothing to talk about. Please don’t be worried it is normal and it can happen to anyone. Spending time together and gossiping for long hours is a different thing than talking on the phone just for the sake of regular communication is a different thing.

Sometimes you have nothing to talk about and you search for topics to talk about. These are sometimes dry periods of any relationship. your partner becomes annoyed that you don’t want to talk to him.

Sometimes talking to your partner feels you a burden and it’s normal. Sometimes you don’t have the mood to talk or maybe you are busy or exhausted because you spent a hectic day.

In these situations, you feel talking with your partner is a chore. It does not mean that you don’t want to talk to him just you are fatigued and don’t want to talk at this time.

But if your partner doesn’t understand your condition and blames you then it might highlight that your LDR is not working well.


You might be thinking what does this mean.  This is also one of the common problems of long distance relationship. You are talking too much and spending hours of hours on calling and wasting your time. 

It brings intensity in your relationship that is hard to manage later.

Your chores and routine are disturbing and you have a lot of pending works to do but you are online with your partner ignoring all your important things.

You should not spend too much time while talking because your other areas of life are suffering. You need to keep a balance between all the areas of your life. Your lack of balancing things will badly affect your life.

Your Partner is TOO Possessive:

Many of the partners become too possessive as they want to know what are their partner doing all the time. They became suspicious and trusting in their partners is hard for them.

If you don’t receive their call or text instantly they become furious and sents you a lot of messages.

If the partner asking questions and want to keep an eye on your character this is a very unhealthy approach for any relationship. It will ruin the whole relationship.

Its true that distance makes any person insecure but constantly stonewalling is not a good thing.

Feeling Insecure without Your Partner:

We all fell feel insecure sometimes in our life. But in long distance relationship we often feel insecure or threatened. Some low points come in life when you need your partner badly.

You wish that your partner should be with you. You need your partner’s love and closeness. Consistently remain insecure will make you sad and annoy you all the time and you even cant relax properly. 

This will makes you complaining all the time with your partner.

Your Love and Romantic Life is Suffering:

It’s human nature we need love and affection all the time. In a long distance relationship. Your personal life suffers a lot.

You see others partner loving and spending time together and thinking bad about your life.

Sometimes you wish to go with your partner on a picnic or a movie but you can’t because he is not with you. You can just dream about it.

Sometimes you badly need to mate with your partner and want to spend a hot date night. But alas! you only can imagine.

Your Important Relations are Neglecting:

Some couples in long distance relationships, spend a lot of their time on the phone or computer. They spent all the free time and energy on their love and all other important relations and friends ignored.  You need to build a balance in your relational network with your love family and friends. This will be more healthy and happy for you.

Both Partners are Growing Apart :

If your love of life moves away for some reason and some aspects of your life seem to be a pause, but the rest of life is continuous.  You are growing with the passage of time and learning and changing your behavior. Same your partner is far away from learning and developing new habits according to his environment.

It is very difficult to identify in which ways your partner is changing and adopting new habits. How much you love each other, but there is still a chance that you both may have individual differences and different approaches to life. To minimize this problem it is advised to visit regularly to your partner.

Cheating :

This is one of the most fearful problems in long distance relationships. This is not common as most couples are sincere and loyal to their relationship, but this problem still exists. Some partners lying and cheating their partners.

They make new boy or girlfriends and spent time with them but never tell their partner about it. If you are worried that your partner is cheating with you, then you need to talk about this issue openly but not on the phone, you have to visit his/her to solve the problem face to face.

long distance relationship problems

Separation Is Too Hard To Handle:

Honestly, Long distance relationships are very hard and missing your partner all the time is very crucial. Most of the time you are busy with your work but whenever you got free time you missed your partner a lot and this separation is unbearable for you. You wish and pray to meet your love all the time. This will make you sad and worrying all the time.

You Want to Have a Baby But Can’t

This is also one of the major problems that face people in long distance relationships. Your major life plans are pending because your partner is not with you. You want to conceive to have a baby but it’s a long time since your husband didn’t visit you. So you are waiting patiently to have a baby and it’s getting late.

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Tips to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Successful and Strong

Here are some tips to make your relationship strong and healthy.

Communicate as much as needed:

Some couples devote extensive free time with each other. They want to keep in touch every hour to stay connected. they talk excessively this is not a healthy approach. Moderation is necessary for every aspect of life. Talking too much sometimes causes fights and unnecessary discussions make both the partner annoy. Moreover, your daily routine also disturbed. So it is better to fix a time limit to talk with is needed. Not too less talking is also good for LDR. Discuss with each other what duration of talking is enough for communication.

Always be There Even You Are Not There:

It does not mean that whenever your partner calls you be there and you jump out with her. This is an emotional call from your partner. These are the attempts to be with you emotionally. Your loving text or call or a romantic note can make your partner’s day.  You should give priority to your partner. As he/she has an appointment with a doctor or a job interview. Your good luck note makes her happy and energetic.

Be Expressive in Your Thoughts:

In a long distance relationship, your words are precious and have a lot of impact on your love. So often express your love with your partner makes her/him happy as well as it will develop a sense of security. So when you will talk to your partner firstly express your loving thoughts and admire her efforts to make this relationship long-lasting.

Make Sure Long Distance is Temporary:

Always keep this thing in your mind and also remind your partner that you both are facing long distance with a cause. This cause or aim is important for your family. Soon you will be together and living life happily. You are living far away because of financial or any other reason which is good for your betterment.  So try to complete your work and go back to settle down with your family. Family can also be settled with you

Trust Your Partner and Give him Independent:

Therapists suggest that a secure attachment style and building trust in each other strengthen your long distance relationship. You both are growing apart and moving forward towards your life. You are always with each other but at the same time, you are far away. So you should trust on your partner and give him independence to everything which she wants. Encourage her in her hobbies and interest. Let her live the life as she want to live.

We try to cover all the long distance relationships problems and give some suggestions to overcome them.

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