Am I Annoying?

A question that we never have the guts to ask others but could find out on the internet and it tells us everything that we just can’t ask others even sometimes just couldn’t ask ourselves as well.

In life, you come to meet some people who are annoying to a level where it’s so obvious but the first question that arises in our mind is that “don’t they just realize that they are so annoying”?

And the answer is “No”. No, they don’t realize that they are being annoyed. If they would have known this they never do it again.

Now some people who want to know whether they are annoying or not are going to have a look at the following points to find it out that where they stand on the level of being annoying.

How I Can Find Out Am I Annoying?

We here are going to highlight a few points through which we will find out if Am I Annoying to others or not. That we will judge people’s actions, reactions, and behaviours they have with us when we are together.

Change Of Body Language:

People start to behave differently when you are around. They kind of get reserved and tend to pretend as if the talk is over.

So they welcome you but don’t seem to be welcoming and they start to make faces as if they are annoyed or they are wondering why you are even there.

If you see such behaviour then it means that something’s wrong with you probably. Consider it as your annoying behaviour only if it happens to you more then one places.

If it only happens to some same group of people and only certain times like once or twice, then there is a chance that there is some other reason behind.

People Ignore You:

If people around you starts to ignore you. Ignore how..?

That’s how:

  • When you come closer to them to join you they scatter around.
  • They start to have eye contact with others as if they are about to approach them.
  • It starts to talk to others so that you may not even get a chance to start a conversation with them.
  • They ignore your calls and messages.
  • Make excuses when you ask them to make plans with them.
  • Always in a hurry when they are around you.
  • Ignore your questions as if they didn’t hear you when in-crowd.
  • Tend to talk to you with crossed arms, which could be the sign of being bossed or just want you to make your talk small.

There could be many and many more points where you can just get to know that you are being ignored.

Never Argues With You:

If your friends or loved ones avoid having an argument with you then it means that you are a hard person to argue with. Maybe you are too annoying that they just never want to go down that road with you. There are some things that you may do that annoys the other person.

  • Never accept your mistake. You keep on blaming others but never accept that you could also be wrong.
  • Give up so easy and says that ok I am wrong I am sorry. You never argue back and just let the matter get solved without discussing it and letting it have a solution.
  • Just keep on saying that “yes I am a bad person, yeah sure I am the one who is always wrong” means you never argue maturely.

These are the pointers, if you are one of them then yes you are annoying as hell.

They Joke Around With Hidden Messages:

Those who are being annoyed mostly try to give the hints that your behaviour is annoying.

For this reason, they mostly adopt the way of joking about it. So that you may get it and at the same time may not feel bad as well.

It’s always a good way to tell someone something bad about them to just convey it in a lighter way. That doesn’t hurt as much as a direct insult or direct message.

So look out for such jokes that maybe having a hidden meaning behind it leading its connection directly to you.

They Wants To Be Alone Most of The Time:

If your loved one or your partner is annoyed by you then he/she would ask you to leave him/her alone for most of the times.

They will ignore having a conversation with you, they will try to avoid you by keeping themselves in some work or by using their mobile.

Ask you to be quiet for some time.

They will show you as if they are tired or just not feeling like talking. These and many more like these can be the signs that you are being annoyed with them.

What Makes You an Annoying Person:

Now we will discuss what are factors that make someone annoying.

  • If you don’t know when to stop talking then believe me you are so much annoying. Always know what to say, when to say, and how much to say. Always talk precisely and look at the other person’s interest. If he has started to break eye contact with you or sigh. Then he/she is getting whetting bored now.
  • Always know when to make a joke and when not to. Some people are always so much casual that even at the times when seriousness is needed, they kept on being non-serious.
  • If you know that your partner does not like some of your habits then try to work on them and avoid doing those things. Even after knowing that they don’t like it if you kept on doing so then, this will annoy them. The example could be. You always leave the wet towel in the bathroom and your partner is so much annoyed by this habit of yours.

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