Happiness and sadness go hand in hand with life. But what does it mean that Happiness is only real when shared …?

Happiness is only real when shared

What is happiness…?

Happiness is a state of satisfaction characterized by joy and bliss. Happiness is a positive state of well-being. It is closely related to health. Happiness is a pleasant feeling, a positive evaluation or judgment, an optimistic expectation, a sense of inner peace, a sense of connectedness.

happiness is only real when shared

Happiness is based on a lifelong pursuit of meaningful, developmental goals (doing what is worth doing) is the key to a good life. It is a positive state of well-being characterized by mental and emotional contentment.

Happiness is only real when shared

We can almost hear from everyone saying that happiness increase when we share with our family and friends. Happiness derives from many things. Happiness is joy, harmony, well being, cherished, prosperity and a sense of achievement. These are different forms of happiness. Our happiness becomes double when we share it and it’s real happiness.

parents with their three kids are walking
happiness is only real when shared

 A human being is formed in an environment where he alone can not survive. When humans open their eyes they are already surrounded by the relations. This shows that survival is not possible alone. and we share everything with the people around us.


About the Author:

This very Quote is given by “Christopher Mccandless‘. He was the traveler and wrote the masterpiece the book ” Into the Wild”

Death story:

His death story is also very strange and haunting. Mccandless’ last journal entry was noted like ” 107 Day” The “Beautiful Blue Berries.”  On 6 September 1992, Some hunters were on the go, looking for the shelter to stay at night. They saw the Bus Christopher was living in. When they entered the bus there was so much smell in it they thought as if the food was rotting. Then they saw “Lumps” in the sleeping bag.

They called the police. On arrival, the police discovered the remains of Christopher. It is said that he was dead for two weeks before the body was discovered. He died of starvation.

The magic bus

The bus where Christopher lived and died out of starvation has now become so famous that It has become a stop for the hiking lovers. This bus is known as ” the Magic Bus”.

happiness is only real when shared

How happiness can be shared?

Happiness can be shared in unlimited ways. But easiest and beautifully effective one is Smile

Smile. Yes even when you smile at someone, this also gives the signal of love and affection which triggers happiness. When you see a child and he is looking at you in an astonishing way, you pass a smile and in a blink of an eye, he smiles back. This is shared happiness.

When you see some stranger in worry or is in deep thoughts, maybe he/she is having a bad day. If they look at you, share a smile, smile care, a smile of comfort. they will smile back to you and this will deviate them from tensions and worries they were thinking about.

Note: Do not do it to opposite-sex where you think it may be taken negatively and will have the reverse effects. You are intelligent enough to understand what I mean. 🙂  

a girl laid down on the flowers

How does happiness multiply when shared?

An Example could be taken here to understand this concept. If it’s your birthday and you are going to school, Bring chocolates or candies for your whole class. Instead of only to bring for your friends. This will not only make everyone happy but also will form a stronger bond with everyone in the class.

Another example that is very meaningful and that gives you satisfaction and happiness is to distribute goodies among poor children. the children who live in the shelters, camps. Visit them and bring goodies with you for them. and distribute it among them. they will be very happy to get this unexpected surprise. and their joy and excitement will make your heart smile.

I like to stay alone, does it means I am not happy?

There are people around the world who like to be alone. They enjoy their own company. So they are introverts and do not like gatherings and making friends. They don’t feel comfortable in big gatherings and try to escape the scene as soon as possible. They like to watch movies and eat popcorns in the company of themselves.

Two categories in which people fall-Happiness is only real when shared

1. They have had gone through some bad experience in the past that they just don’t want to waste their life by again investing in some relationship which in the end turns toxic. These kinds of people have friends or family members around but are not so close emotionally. They are distancing themselves from the world and limit their level of involvement to a point where it cannot be hurtful.

2. The second type of people is those who haven’t met someone in life yet with whom they can share their happiness and expend it. They just have not met someone yet who can make their life the happiest. this could be some friend or some love interest. So they think that they are not ready for getting attached to someone else. They are just so happy as it is all alone that they are not even thinking of allowing anyone in their personal space.

I Distributed among just these two categories on purpose.

No matter how strongly you believe in the idea of living alone, One day or another you are gonna need someone in your life with whom you share your worries, your secrets, your HAPPINESS. Because ultimately it’s true that humans are not made to live alone.

Some Beautiful Quotes about shared Happiness:

“We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give”

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened, HAPPINESS never decreases from being shared”.

” Happiness held is the seed, happiness shared is the flower.”

” Happiness is infectious, When you feel happy people around you will surely be infected, Infect more people and make the world a happy home”.

a road in the forest

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“Happiness is only real when shared” it’s as true as it feels. Be Happy and Help others to make them happy. The world is a cruel place today and your little act of kindness can change someone’s day, month, a year or even life.  

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