Emotions are a vital part of human personality. As human life is dependent on physical presence, it also relies on the emotional presence as well. Not everyone is emotionally balanced. Some people are full of emotions, they express so openly and often. And some people are totally emotionless, with no expression no spontaneousness. And today we will learn how to be Emotionless.

Here are some techniques on how to be emotionless

Let see some of the aspects on how to be emotionless in your daily routines.

1-Do Not Always Be Sympathetic

Some people have the habit of being emotional in other’s problems as well.

Whenever someone is sharing their story of grief or worry, they tend to be emotional with them.

They start to cry and weep with them. Not every so story of the situation needs to be sympathetic.

Sometimes its fine to be empathetic. Just be there with them physically and That’s all.

No need to feel their situation deeply and to get emotionally Disturbed

2You Are Not The Counseling Center

Some people like to be a prominent part of everyone’s life and whenever they get the chance, they start their counseling session.

See it isn’t written anywhere that you have to take part in solving other’s problems.

Sometimes it’s just fine to listen to their problem then that’s it.

Not every situation needs an instant solution nor it requires everyone’s opinion.

So always know where you need to be in someone else’s situation.

3-Don’t Take Impact From The Environment

Don’t take impact from the environment means that there are times when the conditions around us are not so favorable.

Maybe people around you are getting divorced or sick, or an earthquake has taken place recently in your city, etc.

Situations like these could affect the emotional person deeply.

What you have to do is to understand that if someone is getting divorced is not because of you or you cannot do anything to stop it.

If the earthquake has happened it doesn’t mean that it’s the result of some bad deeds of people.

It’s a natural phenomenon and you can’t change or stop it.

4-Avoid Overly Emotional People

Sometimes we are surrounded by over emotional people which affects our emotional state as well.

They are always sad or complaining or hurtful. Try to avoid the company of such people.

They can ruin your mental state.

You can also make an impact on them you can tell them not to be very emotional all the time.

5-Don’t Assume The Future

The emotional people are quite anticipated about the future. They overthink a lot and worry.

The emotionless person should be realistic. They should not overthink and over-predict.

They should always look at the current situation and think for a positive future.

Negative thoughts are the key to become an emotional person.

They fear the future, they feel as if something bad will happen and everything will be ruined.

6-Know The Time To Be Emotional

Always know that when you need to be emotional.

An emotionless also needs to be emotional at times.

But one should always know when is the right time and the right limit to get emotional.

An overly emotionless person also cannot survive in the same world. So have some emotions as well at times.

7-Don’t Let Your Emotions Over Rule

Emotional people sometimes make decisions in the same state and decisions made in such state can have devastating results.

Emotionally we take such decisions that we never meant to take.

So never take any decision while being emotionally Disturbed.

8-Breath And Be Sane

When you are in a situation where it becomes very difficult to control your emotions at that time you need to practice the following steps.

  • Take deep breath.
  • Sit down.
  • Take some water.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Try to convince yourself that everything will be okay.

These steps will definitely help you control your emotions.

9-Distraction Works

When you are emotional try to distract yourself. That is very important. Distraction could be anything.

If you have children around you, start spending time with them, play with them, talk to them. Go for a walk.

Read something. Watch a funny video or movie or drama series.

You can try anything else as well. Whatever works for you the best.

10-Drugs Or Alcohol Isn’t The Solution

People think that they will have drugs or will drink a glass of wine and everything will be fine.

This is the wrong impact. Drinking alcohol and using drugs can only worsen the situation.

It could have some short term peace within you but is of no good for long term solutions.

11-Yoga Or Meditation Is Essential

To be calm and composed you can practice yoga and meditation on a daily basis. Make it your routine.

This will give you peace of mind and situations or problems won’t affect you deeply.

Peace of mind is very important to be emotionless.

So practice these rituals.

12-Accept Your Mistake

Those who know that they are wrong or have committed some mistake and they don’t admit it in front of the concerned person then it affects their mental state and makes them emotionally Disturbed.

It is essential to admit and accept your mistake and try to make it right. This will make you happy and satisfied.

13-Be Selective In Using Words

Be very selective when you are comforting someone or even when you are emotional yourself.

The words can have very lasting effects on the mind and this can make or break someone.

Using emotional words can make you sadder and tense.

Using motivational words can help improve your mood and also your emotional state.

Decisions made in anger and emotions are never right.


It’s not a piece of cake to be emotionless but once you become one you can surely make wise and better decisions.

We have discussed several ways of how to be emotionless.

Follow the ways and become an emotionless person.

To be extreme is bad. Don’t be too emotional neither be too emotionless.

Always find a mid way and create a balance to live happy and content life.

Further Readings

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