Stress and anxiety are the major health issues. Many people who are suffering from mild or severe illness also the target of stress. The word “stress “used to describe an alarming situation and sometimes used as a response to a situation. In this article, we will discuss How to relieve stress and anxiety.

What Is Stress?

Stress is a mental activity in which we receive and respond to events i.e. stressors that are perceived as harmful, threatening, or challenging. The stressed response includes both psychological and physiological components.

The psychological component includes emotions (such as anxiety or fear), behavior (such as nervous laughter or smoking and thoughts such as pessimistic self-talk.

The physiological component consists of bodily symptoms like arousal dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, and perspiration.

definition of stress

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the body’s reaction to any stressful situation. Like other emotions, anxiety has both a trait component and a state component.

The trait component is a predisposition to perceive different situations as threatening and to respond to these situations with increased state anxiety. 

The state component is a sudden emotional reaction that is characterized by fear, tension, and increased physiological arousal.

definition of anxiety

 Anxiety and stress ruined health very badly. Always in a state of sadness causes many negative effects on your health as well as your social relations.

  • Emotional breakdown
  • Stress and uneasiness
  • Continued negative thoughts
  • Low self Esteem
  • High blood pressure
  • Disturbed relationships
  • Feelings of hatred
  • Feeling of constant fear.
  • Etc.

These are the results of keeping your anxiety inside your body. Let it come out. You can share your problem with someone. You can tell someone that what is making you angry and how to feel about it.

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

There is a lot of ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Stress management refers to any techniques that help us in reducing psychological and physical reactions to stress.

Psychologists have introduced techniques that can train people to use in coping with stress. Some of these techniques focus mainly on the person’s behavior some emphasize the person’s thinking processes. People who use these methods usually find them helpful.

Encounter With Your Thought Process

It’s all about controlling your thoughts and the thinking process.  Anxiety and stress are the results of the mind and thought press. You need to control negative thoughts.

You have to go for a more positive approach and have to believe in yourself. Or the other approach that helps is to think of the worst outcome/result and then getting prepared for it mentally.

This helps you let go of the fear you were feeling before and to become more confident and ready to face anything.

You have to make your mind believe that everything is under control. And you are ready to face the new challenges coming your way with full energy and zest.

When you have negative thoughts and doubts in your mind then anxiety level not only increases but makes you suffer a lot more then you thought.

So, always try to manage and regulate your thoughts in a positive way.

how to relieve stress and anxiety


Exercise is an easy and effective way to control and relieve stress. Researches show that regularly taking part in exercise has significant health-protective benefits. The most common type of exercise is Aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, or running.

Physiological Effects of Exercise

According to the physiological view, stress results from abnormal biochemical processes in the central nervous system.

A number of researches prove that regular activity to be the most effective strategy for reducing the effects of stressful events and physiological health.

  • Exercise has a significant impact on physiology.
  • It enhances blood flow to the brain, stimulates the autonomic nervous system, and triggers the release of a variety of hormones.
  • Exercise reduces blood pressure.
  • Reset the heartbeat rate and cardiovascular reactivity.

Psychological Effects of Exercise

Exercise is like other activities such as going to a movie, reading a book or relaxing it offers a change in your behavior. Change pace helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

 Exercise may also help people to feel better about their appearance, thus relieving some stressful anxiety.

Relaxation Techniques

The arousal in your behavior and activities is due to stress and anxiety. The opposite of arousal is relaxation, so relaxation should be a good way to reduce stress.

There is a technique called Progressive Muscle Relaxion.

In which you can learn to control your feelings of tension. In these techniques, experts teach how to focus their attention on particular muscles group while tightening and relaxing those muscles.

For example, the training may start with the person relaxing his hands, then the forehead, followed by the lower face, the neck, the stomach, and lastly the legs.

For each muscle group, the person first tenses the muscles for 7 to 10 seconds and then relaxes them for about 15 seconds, paying attention to how the muscles feel.

This is usually repeated for the same muscle group two or three times in a relaxation session, which generally lasts 20 to 30 minutes.

Divert Your Attention

When you start to feel anxiety and want to calm it down then you should immedietly try to divert your attention.

Try to busy yourself in some type of activity that your mind will convert from stress and anxiety to other work.

You can listen to music, watch some comedy movies or series, can go out for a walk or can go for a long drive.

You can also cook, clean or paint. It is more like whatever you feel like doing. Anything that helps you divert your mind and attention from the thing that causes anxiety to you, you can do it.

Talking to a friend or going out with friends can also be one of the ideas.

There could be many things and ideas that you can adopt to divert yourself from anxiety.


Mediation is the best and easy way to reduce your anxiety and stress. There are many effective techniques in meditation that are very helpful in relieving all your worries. Moreover, there are specific types of meditation that psychologists and psychiatrists practice in their counseling sessions.

Transcendental meditation is a method in the practice of yoga as a means of improving physical and mental health and reducing stress and prevents distracting thoughts from coming.

Social Learning Techniques

Most people learn fears and other stress-related behavior by observing other people’s behavior. Since people can learn stressful reactions by observing these behaviors in others, the Social learning technique is very effective in reversing this learning and helping people cope with stressors too. Many research has confirmed its affectivity.


Massage therapy is very helpful in reducing anxiety and depression. It has several forms that vary in the degree of pressure applied.

Massage of the body relaxes all the parts of the body and slows down the activity of the brain. It also increases the body’s production of a hormone called Oxytocin that decreases blood pressure and stress hormone levels.

It helps reduce hypertension, some type of pain, and asthma symptoms, and some researchers also report it may bolster immune function.

how to relieve your stress and anxiety


This technique based on the fact that fears are learned by conditioning. It means by associating a situation or object with unpleasant events. 

Desensitization is a process that reverses learning by pairing the feared object or situation with pleasant or neutral events.

This technique starts by having the person do a relaxation exercise. Then the steps in a sequence are presented one by one, while the person is relaxed and comfortable. Yet it is a very effective technique used by psychologists to relieve stress and anxiety.

Go To Therapist

Anxiety and stress damage your daily routine. Slowly anxiety converts into depression. So it is recommended to go to the psychologist as soon as possible.

Psychologists will help you in overcoming your thoughts and stress. They use different psychotherapies that change the perspective of humans.  Psychologists also consider those external factors which determine an individual’s function and psychological well-being.

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In this article, we try to cover the easy and safe methods on how to relieve stress and anxiety. It is advised to go to your therapist for a consultation.

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