Family is not solely blood relation. The family consists of the people who support and love you, and the people you can confide in and trust them. Every family has some disputes, crises in socio-economic conditions, broken relations. There are many reasons behind the “I hate my family”.  Every family has different issues, so the reasons are also different.

i hate my family

Why I hate my family

We often find conflicts with our family. We express our anger and hatred felt toward the family. But at the same time family is a very loving and precious thing. Ups and downs are part of life but we cannot ignore the worthiness of family. In this article we through light on all the aspects behind “I hate my family” and then try to solve these issues.

The frustrating environment of our house

The environment at my house is very frustrated. At one time or another, I feel frustrated. Whenever I want something, but because of events or other people, I cannot get it. Then, it causes anger and aggression on the real source of frustration.

The most obvious way would be to strike back at the source of frustration. But often this is impossible, the source is family and I  cannot express our feelings and I become frustrated.

My father beats me a lot

My family always hurts me a lot. My parents particularly my father beat me excessively. He never cares about my feelings. I can’t live in peace at my house. My father is very rude and harsh. We have no relation like father and son.

A child is looking towards his father and son

My parents never take my responsibility

I always cry for my daily expenses and necessities. My families never sport me. I always deprived of good things. My friends have a lot of toys and games but I only dream of them. I think this is also a big reason for my hated thoughts that my family never cares about my needs.

We never spend quality time together

My family never ever goes for a picnic or gets to gather. I always wish that someday my whole family will sit together we will dinner and watch a movie all together, spend some quality time and gossips. But this never happens. There is no time for anyone. We live like strangers in a house.

Prejudiced behavior of family

Prejudice has been traditionally considered the feeling component of attitudes towards another person. It reflects a negative response to another person. I think my family’s behavior is prejudiced towards me than my other siblings. No one takes my side in any matter or decision. Everybody degrades me, no one is sincere with me. That’s why I hate my family.

a boy is looking from the window in a very sad mood

Severe effects of hated family on children

When a child feels no attachment and peace from his family, he becomes isolated and hostile. He has very negative feelings towards his family. Such type of person victims of mental illness and loss his confidence.

Losing self-control

How does the way we think about ourselves affect our success in the endeavors that require self-control? Refraining from actions we like, but performing actions we prefer not to. The act of controlling ourselves is taxing and makes exercising subsequent self-control more difficult.

I am losing my self-control

I am losing my self-control in these circumstances. So I want to change my self but can’t do it because the environment of my house is annoying me. I have many issues like I want to quit smoking, going on a diet, studying more effectively, but I may find it difficult to stick with long-range goals. Instead, I often succumb to the lure of an immediate reward and break with my prior commitment. In other words, I fail to control myself in a meaningful way.

daughter is looking with love at his mother


self-control is a finite resource, ego depletion the diminished capacity to exert subsequently. Self-control after previously doing so might be expected in many domains requiring self-regulation. Prior efforts to exert self-control had negative consequences for subsequent.

Self-control efforts, including greater subjective fatigue, perceived the difficulty of achieving self-control and lowered blood glucose levels. Ego-depletion was least likely to impair subsequent self-control when the initial control effort was shorter rather than l

Social adversity and loneliness

Some people choose isolation because they prefer it, but a much greater number are alone not by choice. But because they lack close relationships with others. Such a person often experience intense and unpleasant feelings of loneliness.

Loneliness is the emotional and cognitive state based on desiring close relationships but being unable to attain them. When circumstances are not good then the individual becomes isolated.

a girl sat near the sea with sad mood


Low self-esteem

Self-esteem is our overall attitude toward us. Self-esteem is most frequently measured with explicit items that directly assess our perceived level of self-esteem. Other more implicit measures assess the strength of the positive or negative association between ourselves and stimuli associated with us.

It is including trait terms such as warm and honest. Self-esteem is responsible for life experiences, and more specific forms of self-esteem depend on how we perform in those domains.

Low self-esteem may not be predictive of the social ills many had thought. But in some cases when the circumstances of the house and family are not well then a person feels low self-esteem.

Mental and physical health issues

When a child lives always in a state of frustration and stress. He can victims of many health-related issues. He can become an addict also. Family is a big source of moral sport but when this moral sport becomes a source of distress then it will affect badly the mental and physical health of children.

Badly affects studies

An individual never fully concentrate on his study in such bad circumstances of the house. He cannot study attentively and his grades down. This whole situation is very miserable for individuals that he losing his family as well as his studies.

I hate my family


Our first relationships are within the family, and we acquire an attachment style (which is based on the level of self-esteem. Degree of interpersonal trust) in the context of these relationships. These attachment styles influence the nature of other relationships and also play an important role in many life outcomes.

Other family relationships include those between siblings and between children and other relatives. If the relationship among the family is good that is a very positive thing. Otherwise, hatred develops between the members of the family. Then many children will say “I hate my family”. 

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