“Life is Hard” is it really?

A question raised by a man who was living a life that was full of adventures, surrounded by the people with tragedies, Broken families and all kinds of sorrows someone can get into or can suffer. He was basically a human behavioral psychologist. Listening to new stories on a daily basis, trying to have a solution to those problems. to work with the client in a way that they could help themselves in the future, was his professional duty as well as his passion.

life is hard-A man is pushing a big stone

Now the question again arises that is life really that hard as much as sometimes we think it is.

Life is Hard; Age-specific problems:

Let’s discuss some important points to understand this concept:

We will discuss the most overrated and most commonly found problems and are solutions that come under a specific age group.

Young Generation:

Research shows that the young generation ranging from 16 to 25 years old youth are considered as the most affected people in terms of handling the hurdles and struggles of life.

A girl sit with white tiger

Educational and Career achievement

It is what hooks a person into the cruelty of life. A person starts to think it would be the end for them if they wouldn’t be able to achieve good grades or could not find a job in time. The need here is to always look into consideration the people around you. Parents should keep a check on their children and always try to make a friendly relation with them.

There couldn’t be a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship than the relation of friendship among parents the children. It’s not necessary for both the parents to be very friendly but one of them must share a special bond with their child or children. This will not only help overcome the hardships of the life of the children but also will keep them calmer, composed and together as a person.

Peers, friends, classmates or colleagues should always have a glance in their surroundings. You never know someone sitting next to you is going through a lot in life and all that is needed from you is to identify them and have a nice talk with them, try to understand their suffering if they resist, find their closer ones ( could be friends, siblings or parents) and tell them that you felt something wrong with the concerned person so please identify and resolve the issue. Your little gesture of concern can save someone’s life.

The suffering person should know

Life may not be that easy but it isn’t that difficult as much as you take it. Try to compose yourself in the situation of problem/tension. Always try to talk to your closed ones. If nothing is available and you feel that your pain/suffering is unbearable, think of someone who is in a worse situation then you are in. If it is the job or career try to look at those who are homeless and they have children to feed and they are old and feeble that they could not even earn enough to feed their family a meal. You will ultimately feel better for yourself.

If it is a matter of failure, listen to those motivational speakers who have come from their worst and by keep trying to achieve their best. Failure is surely a step towards success.  

Middle age Generation:

People ranging from 30 to 45 years of age have a different perspective and suffering arena when it comes to the hardships of life.

People under this age group have already crossed “educational and enter into career” Milestone. Most of them have already entered or are entering the next phase of life that is marriage/ relationship and have developed a family of their own.

  When people of this age talk about “life is hard”, it shows to the hardships they face while being in a marriage or bearing up the expenses that come with the family extension

“Marriage” is the relationship that has two sides. It could be as beautiful and fulfilling as one can imagine and It could be as worst and haunting as one never wants to imagine.

Domestic abuse is one of the most commonly found practices in every society

and is most underrated and unreported as well.  Frustrated men find their wives as the most convenient and oppressed target when it comes to abuse. Father beats the mother in front of the child. The child feels fearful and broken but when he sees that even after so much violence my mother returns to him, she doesn’t take any action against this act then this concept becomes normal for the child. Which eventually turns that child into a horrible, cunning and abusive man. It goes on generation after generation.

On the other hand, Woman who came into the marriage with the thousands of dreams in her eyes and had planned a beautiful and satisfying life for her family, could not believe that it is happening with her. She for the sake of children, to save the marriage, not to become the burden on her father, not to be stigmatized as a divorced woman; kept on going in that haunting marriage.

If a woman understands that by leading this hard life is not only harmful to her but is taking the whole new generation in the same black hole then she would never live like this.

Taking a step out of such marriage could definitely be a hard decision but there is a chance this step would take her to a better life.

life is hard-full black clouds

Broken Homes

Broken homes do not affect the suffering couple as much as it breaks down the children in it. So always talk to them before or even after taking such decisions. Make them realize that whatever decisions you are making are for the good. Even if you decide to live in a marriage which is cruel, let your children know everything.

Again, tell them why you are taking this decision of living together. This will enhance their understanding and will leave their lessons as well. and it will make them a responsible and sensible person. It will also make your life easier when you will know that your children can understand you.


“Bearing the expenses of the family” could not be as hard to hear as much it is hard for the one bearing.

Commonly a man in the family is the one who is the beard winner of the family. A Wife has a lot of wishes which she expresses to her husband to be fulfilled, a School going child besides his/her school expenses comes with a list of things that his/her friends have and he/she also wants them.

Have you ever seen a middle-class father or a husband buying something for himself except it’s very important and buying is the only choice? The life of man is not that easy. He struggles a lot to keep his family happy and satisfied.    

A wife should understand the hardships of her husband and should not always be demanding and complaining.

A father should not feel burdened or strained by the demands of children instead he should teach them the right values and make them understand the financial stand of their family. This will not only make the children sensible and strong but also will teach them the lesson that

“It is not necessary to put the cherry on every piece of cake but it is possible to be happy with what you have”.

life is hard-An oldman wearing a hat

Old age Generation:

People ranging from 55 and above have experienced almost everything in life. Good and bad experiences both are there in their memory book.   

For them the meaning of “Life is hard” is beyond everything we discussed earlier. Their health starts to decline. In some cases, the one partner has left the world already and that person was with them for almost 30 to 40 years of their life.

They ask for more time from their children. Old aged people start to feel less important in the lives of their dear ones. They start to the complaint and try to grab attention. It is said, ” they become the child again.”

People and dear ones around them should realize and understand their situation and vulnerability and should give them more time and attention, as they gave you when you were young. and the old ones should understand that they have become old and the thoughts of loneliness come with the age. They should spend their time more and more with their children.

a full orange moon and a cat in the darkness


Yes, life is hard, It’s Hardship and hardness changes with time. But there is no problem which doesn’t have a solution. All you need is to trust yourself and a process, become composed even after being broken, Go with the flow, no problem is big enough to take life from you and baamm. You are ready to face everything.

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