Marriage is a beautiful union between two individuals who have chosen to spend their lives together. However, not all marriages stand the test of time. Sometimes, couples find themselves in a state of unhappiness and discontent, unsure of whether their marriage can be salvaged or if it has reached its end. It’s important to understand the stages and signs of a dying marriage, as well as the factors that contribute to its decline. In this article, we will dive deep into the various stages of a dying marriage, how to recognize them, and what steps can be taken to revive a dying marriage.

Research conducted by psychologists John Gottman and Robert Levenson has shed light on the decline in marital satisfaction and the emergence of loveless marriages. Their “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” theory identifies four destructive communication patterns—criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling—that can predict divorce with a high degree of accuracy.

According to recent findings, almost 25% of marriages within the Christian faith end in divorce, and this number has risen significantly over time.

Studies have shown that increasing divorce rates result from a continuously increasing proportion of unhappy marriages.

This dramatic shift reflects the confluence of many factors, including declining fertility, increased longevity, and increasing rates of marriage at a later post.

Effective marriage counseling can play a crucial role in preventing divorce and promoting healthy marriages. Biblical references emphasize the scarcity, holiness, and importance of marriage. 

For example, in Genesis 2:24, it is written, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

In Malachi 2:16, it is written, “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

These references highlight the importance of marriage and the need to guard it against faithlessness.


stages of a dying marriage

Stages Of A Dying Marriage

The stages of a dying marriage consist of many signs. Lack of communication can be a glaring sign that your marriage is on life support. When meaningful conversations become scarce and you find yourselves constantly talking past each other, it’s time to take notice. Without open lines of communication, it becomes difficult to resolve conflicts or even connect on a deeper level.

Another warning sign is the lack of intimacy. If physical affection has become a thing of the past and you feel more like roommates than lovers, it’s an indication that something fundamental has shifted in your relationship. Intimacy goes beyond just sex; it encompasses emotional closeness, vulnerability, and a sense of connection that should be present in a healthy marriage.

Remember, recognizing these signs doesn’t automatically mean your marriage is doomed. It simply means there are cracks forming in the foundation that need attention before they widen further.


Identifying The 20 Signs Your Marriage Is Dead

As a marriage progresses through various stages, it’s common for couples to face challenges and obstacles. One or both partners may start to feel disconnected and dissatisfied with the relationship. The lack of physical intimacy and quality time together can further deteriorate the bond between spouses. It’s important to understand the stages and signs of a dying marriage to recognize when it’s time to make an effort to revive it or consider other options.

1- Lack of communication

Lack of communication is a common issue that plagues many marriages. When conversations become few and far between, it can create a sense of isolation and disconnect. You may find yourself feeling like strangers living under the same roof.

Without open lines of communication, misunderstandings can easily occur, leading to resentment and frustration. Important topics go unaddressed, leaving unresolved conflicts lingering in the air. It’s essential for couples to prioritize effective communication by actively listening and expressing their thoughts and feelings honestly. Without it, the foundation of your marriage starts to crumble, making it difficult to revive the connection you once had.

Remember that healthy communication is key in any relationship – without it, your marriage may be headed down a path toward disconnection and eventual demise.

2- Dealing with Marital Disillusionment

Marital disillusionment is a common stage in a dying marriage. It’s when one or both partners start to question the foundation of the relationship and feel disillusioned with the idea of a lifelong partnership. During this stage, couples may feel like they’re no longer compatible or that they’re unhappy with the direction their marriage is heading. It’s important to address these feelings and concerns openly and honestly to determine if the marriage can be salvaged or if it’s time to end the marriage.


stages of a dying marriage


3- You Spend More Time With Your Phones Than With Each Other

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get lost in the world of smartphones and social media. But what happens when you start spending more time with your phone than with your spouse? It could be a sign that your marriage is on the decline.

When you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone instead of engaging in meaningful conversations with your partner, it can create a sense of detachment and distance. The constant distraction of scrolling through social media feeds or texting friends can take away from the quality time you should be spending together.

Instead of being fully present in each other’s company, you may find yourselves glued to screens, missing out on opportunities for connection and intimacy. This lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation within the relationship.

It’s important to recognize this behavior as a red flag and make an effort to put down those phones and prioritize quality time with your spouse. Building strong communication skills requires active listening and genuine engagement – both things that cannot be achieved while staring at a screen.

Remember, nurturing a healthy marriage means investing time into building emotional connections rather than getting lost in technology-induced distractions.

4- Your spouse isn’t a priority

In a healthy marriage, both partners prioritize each other and make their relationship a top priority. However, in a dying marriage, this can be one of the most evident signs that something is seriously wrong. When your spouse isn’t a priority anymore, it’s as if they have been pushed to the bottom of your list.

You may find yourself consistently choosing work commitments, personal hobbies, or even spending time with friends over spending quality time with your spouse. The once strong bond between you starts to weaken as you neglect the emotional connection that is essential for any thriving relationship. As days turn into weeks and months without making an effort to prioritize your partner’s needs and desires, it becomes clear that the foundation of your marriage is crumbling beneath you.

5- Constant criticism

Constant criticism in a marriage can be incredibly damaging. It erodes trust and creates an unhealthy dynamic of negativity. When one partner constantly criticizes the other, it chips away at their self-esteem and leaves them feeling unloved and unworthy.

In this stage of a dying marriage, communication becomes toxic as every interaction is filled with criticism. Simple conversations turn into battlegrounds where each word spoken is met with judgment and disapproval. The constant criticism creates a hostile environment that makes it nearly impossible to have any productive or meaningful discussion.

6- Contempt and defensiveness

Contempt and defensiveness are toxic elements that can corrode the foundation of any marriage. When contempt seeps into a relationship, it brings with it a deep sense of disrespect and disdain towards your partner. It often manifests in sneering remarks, eye-rolling, or mocking gestures.

Defensiveness, on the other hand, creates walls instead of bridges. It’s a natural response when we feel attacked or criticized, but constantly being defensive can lead to communication breakdowns and escalate conflicts. Instead of listening to your spouse’s concerns or taking responsibility for your actions, defensiveness only serves to perpetuate misunderstandings and distance between you both.

In order to revive a dying marriage plagued by contempt and defensiveness, it is crucial to recognize these destructive behaviors and work towards building empathy and understanding. Communication is key – learning how to express feelings without resorting to contemptuous language or becoming defensive can help repair the damage done.

7- Emotional disconnection

Emotional disconnection is a common sign of a dying marriage. It occurs when you and your partner no longer feel connected on an emotional level. You may find yourself feeling distant and detached from each other, as if there is a growing gap between you.

In this stage, conversations become superficial, lacking depth and genuine emotion. The once intimate moments shared are replaced with silence or empty gestures. You may feel like strangers living under the same roof, unable to understand or empathize with each other’s feelings and needs. This emotional disconnection can be incredibly painful, leaving you longing for the connection that once held your marriage together.

8- Lack of affection or intimacy

In a marriage, affection and intimacy are the glue that holds two people together. It’s the warm embrace at the end of a long day, the gentle touch on the arm during dinner, and the passionate kiss before bed. But when these expressions of love start to fade away, it can be a sign that your marriage is in trouble.

When there is a lack of affection or intimacy between partners, it creates an emotional distance that becomes harder to bridge over time. The physical connection that once brought you closer now feels distant and cold. You may find yourselves spending more nights sleeping apart or avoiding any form of physical contact altogether.

Without this essential aspect of your relationship, you may begin to feel like roommates rather than soulmates. The absence of affection can leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled in your marriage. And as this void grows larger, so does the divide between you and your spouse.

It’s important not to ignore these warning signs or dismiss them as just a phase. Lack of affection or intimacy can indicate deeper underlying issues within your relationship that need attention and work. Addressing these concerns openly with your partner is crucial in order to revive the spark and rebuild the intimate bond that once held you together.

9- Shifted Priorities

In a marriage, priorities can naturally shift over time. When two people first come together, they are often consumed by love and the desire to build a life together. But as responsibilities pile up and the pressures of daily life take hold, it’s not uncommon for priorities to change.

Suddenly, work becomes the top priority, leaving little time or energy for nurturing the relationship. The once cherished date nights are replaced with late nights at the office. Family gatherings become obligations rather than moments of joy. Slowly but surely, the marriage starts to take a backseat as other things take precedence.

With shifted priorities comes a growing sense of detachment within the relationship. Partners may feel neglected or unimportant in each other’s lives. Resentment builds as one spouse feels like their needs aren’t being met while their partner is focused on everything else but them.

It’s important to recognize when priorities have shifted in a marriage and make an effort to realign them with your partner’s needs and desires. Communication is key in understanding each other’s changing priorities and finding ways to prioritize your relationship once again.

Remember that relationships require constant attention and effort from both partners – even when life gets busy or stressful. By acknowledging these shifts in priorities early on and actively working towards reestablishing a connection, you can prevent further distance from forming between you and your spouse.

10- Lack of empathy or remorse

In a dying marriage, one of the most telling signs is the lack of empathy or remorse between partners. It’s as if they have become emotionally detached and no longer care about each other’s feelings or well-being. When one partner shares their pain or concerns, they are met with indifference or even dismissal.

Without empathy, there can be no understanding or connection in a relationship. It becomes a cycle of hurt and resentment that only grows stronger over time. The absence of remorse further deepens the divide, as neither partner takes responsibility for their actions or seeks to repair the damage done. In this stage, it becomes clear that the emotional bond has been severed, leaving little hope for reconciliation.

11- Disengagement

Disengagement is one of the early signs that your marriage might be heading towards a dead end. It’s when you and your spouse start to disconnect emotionally, mentally, and even physically. You may find yourselves going through the motions without any real connection or engagement with each other.

In this stage, you might notice that conversations become superficial and lacking in depth. You no longer share your dreams, fears, or aspirations with each other. Your time together feels more like being roommates rather than partners in life. Disengagement can be a painful experience as it highlights the growing distance between you and your spouse. Without addressing this issue, it can lead to further stages of marital breakdown.


stages of a dying marriage


12- Criticism and Blame

Criticism and blame can be detrimental to a marriage, signaling the beginning of its demise. When partners constantly criticize each other’s actions or character traits, it creates an atmosphere of negativity and resentment. Small disagreements turn into personal attacks, eroding trust and compassion.

Blame is another destructive force that chips away at the foundation of a marriage. Instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, couples engage in finger-pointing, creating a cycle of defensiveness and mistrust. The blame game becomes exhausting and drains any remaining love or connection between spouses. In this stage, communication breaks down further as both parties become more focused on finding fault than finding solutions.

13- Defensiveness

Defensiveness is a common stage in a dying marriage, where partners start to build walls instead of bridges. It’s when one or both individuals feel attacked and respond with excuses, justifications, or counter-attacks. This defensive behavior creates a hostile environment that hinders any chance of effective communication.

In this stage, each partner becomes more focused on protecting themselves rather than listening to their spouse’s concerns. They may deny responsibility for their actions and deflect blame onto the other person. This pattern only perpetuates conflict and prevents any progress toward resolving issues. Defensiveness can be detrimental to a marriage as it erodes trust and reinforces negative patterns of interaction.

14- Contempt

Contempt is a poisonous emotion that can slowly kill a marriage. It goes beyond criticism and enters the realm of disrespect and disdain. When contempt infiltrates a relationship, it erodes any sense of love, empathy, and understanding between partners.

In its early stages, contempt may manifest as subtle eye-rolling or sarcastic remarks. But over time, it can escalate into outright mockery and belittlement. The person on the receiving end feels devalued and worthless in their partner’s eyes. This toxic dynamic creates an impenetrable barrier between spouses, making communication nearly impossible.

When contempt becomes a regular presence in a marriage, it infects every aspect of the relationship – from conversations to intimacy. The disdainful partner no longer sees their spouse as an equal but rather as someone beneath them. This breeding ground for resentment makes reconciliation seem like an unattainable dream.

Contempt has devastating consequences for any relationship. If left unchecked, it can be the final nail in the coffin of a dying marriage. Recognizing this destructive emotion is crucial if there is any hope for salvaging what remains of love and connection between two individuals.

15- Stonewalling

Stonewalling, one of the stages in a dying marriage can be incredibly damaging to any relationship. It occurs when one or both partners withdraw from communication and shut down emotionally. Instead of addressing issues or conflicts, they simply ignore their spouse’s attempts at dialogue.

This silent treatment creates an atmosphere of tension and frustration, making it nearly impossible to resolve problems. Stonewalling often leads to feelings of loneliness and rejection for the partner on the receiving end. Without open communication and emotional connection, a marriage slowly withers away, inching closer to its demise.

16- Emotional disconnection

Emotional disconnection is a common sign of a dying marriage. It’s the feeling of being emotionally distant from your partner as if there’s a wall between you that keeps getting higher and thicker. You may find yourselves talking less, sharing less about your day or your feelings, and simply not connecting on an emotional level.

This lack of emotional connection can be incredibly isolating and lonely. It can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration, and even indifference towards each other. Without emotional intimacy, the bond between spouses weakens over time, making it difficult to rebuild trust and repair the relationship. When there is no longer an emotional connection in a marriage, it becomes harder to sustain love and affection for each other.

17- Escalating conflict

Escalating conflict is a common stage in the breakdown of a marriage. It often starts with small disagreements and gradually builds up into heated arguments. Communication becomes strained, and both partners feel unheard and misunderstood.

In this stage, tensions rise, and conflicts become more frequent and intense. Each partner may dig their heels in, refusing to back down or compromise. The focus shifts from resolving issues to winning the argument, which only fuels the fire of resentment.

As the conflict escalates, it can lead to emotional exhaustion and further distance between spouses. Hurtful words are exchanged, trust erodes, and the foundation of the marriage weakens even more. If not addressed promptly, escalating conflict can push a dying marriage beyond repair.

18- Disaffection

Disaffection is a stage in a dying marriage that can leave both partners feeling empty and disconnected. It’s the point where any remaining affection or attachment begins to fade away, replaced by indifference and apathy.

In this stage, couples may find themselves going through the motions of their relationship without truly engaging or investing emotionally. They may start to feel like strangers living under the same roof, with little desire to connect on a deeper level. Disaffection often leads to a lack of effort in maintaining the relationship, as both partners begin to prioritize their own needs above those of their spouse.

The absence of affection and emotional connection can be devastating, leaving couples feeling isolated and alone even when physically together. This detachment can be an indication that the marriage is nearing its end, as it becomes increasingly difficult for either partner to rekindle what has been lost.

19- Separation

Separation is a heart-wrenching stage in the journey of a dying marriage. It’s when the couple starts living separate lives, both physically and emotionally. The once intertwined paths now diverge, leading to a sense of isolation and loneliness.

During separation, each partner begins to explore life without the other. They may find solace in their newfound independence or seek comfort in the company of others. Trust erodes further as they start envisioning a future apart from one another. With each passing day, the connection that was once so strong becomes more distant and faded.

In this stage, communication becomes minimal or non-existent as resentment takes hold. The emotional detachment intensifies, leaving little hope for reconciliation. Separation marks a pivotal moment where couples must confront their unhappiness head-on and make difficult decisions about the future of their relationship.

20- Divorce

Divorce, the dreaded D-word. It’s a word that carries so much weight and emotion. The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one, filled with heartbreak and uncertainty. It marks the final stage of a dying marriage, where hope for reconciliation seems like a distant memory.

In many cases, divorce becomes the inevitable outcome when all attempts at repair have failed. It’s painful and messy, leaving scars that may take years to heal. But sometimes, divorce can also be seen as an opportunity for new beginnings – a chance to find happiness and fulfillment in life once again.

Reviving a Dying Marriage: What You Can Do

When faced with the harsh reality of a dying marriage, many couples wonder if there is any hope for redemption.

Is it possible to breathe new life into a relationship that seems on the brink of collapse?

The answer is not a simple one, as every situation is unique and complex.

Acknowledging the problem is the first step towards finding a solution. It requires both partners to be honest about their feelings and willing to confront the issues head-on. Seeking professional help can provide guidance and tools to navigate through difficult times. This may involve therapy or counseling sessions that allow for open communication in a safe space.

Additionally, prioritizing self-care is essential during this challenging period. Taking care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally can contribute to personal growth and overall well-being. It also allows individuals to bring their best selves into the relationship.

Being open to change is crucial when trying to salvage a dying marriage. Both partners must be willing to let go of old patterns and behaviors that have contributed to its deterioration. This may require compromise, flexibility, and an openness towards trying new approaches.

Considering all options becomes necessary when efforts seem futile or when both partners realize they are no longer compatible or happy in their relationship. Sometimes ending a marriage might be the healthiest choice for both individuals involved.

Remember, these suggestions are not foolproof remedies but rather considerations that can aid in determining whether your marriage can indeed be saved or if it’s time for you both to move on separately.


stages of a dying marriage


Steps to Bring a Dying Marriage Back to Life

Reviving a dying marriage requires the willingness and effort of both partners. It’s important for both individuals to acknowledge and address the issues within the marriage and commit to making positive changes. This may involve seeking professional help, such as couples therapy or marriage counseling, to work through deep-rooted problems and improve communication.

1- Acknowledge the problem

The first step towards healing a dying marriage is to acknowledge that there is a problem. It may be tempting to bury your head in the sand or ignore the signs, but facing the reality of a failing relationship is crucial.

In order to move forward and make positive changes, both partners must admit that something isn’t right. This can be difficult and uncomfortable, but it’s essential for growth. By acknowledging the problem, you open up possibilities for communication, understanding, and ultimately finding solutions together. Remember, denial will only prolong the pain and prevent any chance of revival. Face it head-on with honesty and courage!

2- Recognizing Major Signs That Your Marriage Can Be Saved

Even in the midst of a dying marriage, there may be signs that indicate it can be saved. These signs may include a willingness from both partners to work on the relationship, a commitment to open and honest communication, and a genuine desire to rebuild trust and intimacy. Recognizing these signs can provide hope and motivation to put in the necessary effort to revive the marriage.

3- Prioritize self-care

Taking care of yourself should always be a top priority, especially when your marriage is facing difficulties. In the midst of trying to salvage a dying relationship, it can be easy to neglect your own well-being. But remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Make time for activities that bring you joy and help recharge your batteries. Whether it’s indulging in hobbies, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a long bath, prioritize self-care as an essential part of your routine. By nourishing yourself physically and emotionally, you’ll have the strength and clarity to navigate the challenges ahead with more resilience. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s crucial for maintaining your overall well-being amidst marital turmoil.

4- Be open to change

Being open to change is crucial when it comes to saving a dying marriage. It means being willing to acknowledge that the current situation isn’t working and being open-minded enough to consider new approaches. Change can be uncomfortable and scary, but it’s often necessary for growth.

In a dying marriage, holding onto old patterns or refusing to adapt will only lead to further deterioration. By being open to change, you allow room for improvement and transformation. This could involve letting go of past grudges, trying new communication techniques, or exploring therapy options together. Embracing change requires bravery and vulnerability but can ultimately breathe new life into your relationship.

5- Seek Professional Help for a Failing Marriage

When a marriage is on the brink of collapse, seeking professional help can be beneficial. It’s never too late to seek help, whether through counseling or personal reflection. As Matthew 19:26 reminds us, “With God, all things are possible.” Even a dying marriage can be resurrected with patience, effort, and love.

A trained therapist or counselor can provide guidance and support to both partners, creating a safe space for open and honest communication. They can also help identify the underlying issues contributing to the dying marriage and guide couples through the process of rebuilding their relationship.

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Conclusion (stages of a dying marriage)

A dying marriage is a complex and challenging situation to navigate. It’s important to understand the stages and signs of a dying marriage in order to determine the state of your own relationship. Factors such as intimacy, infidelity, and breakdown of communication can contribute to a dying marriage. However, with mutual effort, commitment, and seeking professional help, it is possible to revive a dying marriage and create a loving and healthy partnership once again.


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