What does cocaine feel like? is that triggering question which stimulates many people to try it for only once”, despite the fact that cocaine is famous for being a highly addictive substance.

It simply means that experiencing the answer to the question “What does cocaine feel like” surely traps a person into a cycle of addiction.


In this article, we shall help you to understand all the possible hazardous, neutral, short-lived and lasting after-effects of cocaine high, whether the person is trying Cocaine for the first time in life or is addicted to it.

How Does Cocaine Feel Like- Understanding the Feelings of a Cocaine High

There is no doubt about the fact that cocaine is a very addictive substance. But the question is, “Why do people even try it if it’s so harmful?”

The main reason for snorting cocaine is Cocaine High; also commonly known as Cocaine Intoxication.

Users get addicted to it because it alters the way of releasing dopamine; a brain chemical that makes us happy. A person might try it for the first time to get that certain pleasing feeling of Cocaine High.

But after some time, users might take it as they desperately want to overcome the negative after-effects of snorting Cocaine.

Thus they enter into a cycle of using and reusing it and get more dependant.  

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Complete List of Negative, Temporary and Lasting Effects of Cocaine High After First Use- The Psychological Side 

The cocaine high includes both psychological and physical changes.

Here are the most common changes Cocaine makes in the  Mental State of a person.


Euphoria is a particular kind of feeling that gives enormous and intense pleasure to the cocaine user.

This is because cocaine stimulates the brain in the very same way which an actual accomplishment does.  

The real reason people being addicted to cocaine wants to get high again and again is to experience that pleasurable rewarding feeling. 


Getting high on cocaine results in creating severe anxiety in the users along with other feelings like hyperactivity, restlessness, angry outbursts and insomnia.

To get rid of the paranoia, the user might get abusive towards other substances.

3-Utmost Focus

This feeling is frequent but not as common as the other forms of high.  

The user might not identify the euphoria or paranoia as they can extremely focus on what they are doing and not on what is happening at the present moment.

 In context of the task, they are performing, this focus could be proved high yielding but due to anxiety, they are unable to focus on what is going around them and shows rash and even violent behavior.

4-High Self-esteem

While high on cocaine, the user can have a misinterpreted perception of high self-esteem.

They feel better about themselves; even to the level of grandiosity. Grandiosity refers to the feeling where one feels superior to others.

As this false confidence is not based on any real success, real-world people may get irritated causing social problems. This high-level of self-confidence is appealing to people with low self-esteem or by performers who need a greater confidence level to perform better.

But unluckily, once the cocaine user gets down from high, they may feel even more poor and inferior about themselves than they did before.

This situation leads them to a ruthless circle of using and trying to feel better, with each time the pleasurable feeling being increasingly momentary and short-lived.


Users when high on cocaine may get chattier, sociable, lively and active.

This feeling is very appealing for people who are reserved and shy and find it hard to socialize.

But there are always two sides to the coin.

Getting high on cocaine also results in becoming tense, edgy, restless, upset and agitated.


People, when high on cocaine, may experience the apparent perception of something not present.

These delusions or hallucinations result in a feeling, hearing, and visualizing things that do not exist, creating trust issues and social problems. 

What are the  Threatening after-effects of Cocaine High after First Use-The Physical Side

  1. Loss of inhibition and urge to take more and more drugs.
  2. Users might feel more attentive and mentally alert.
  3. Different cocaine users may experience opposite eating patterns. Some might feel the loss of appetite while others might have cravings for food.
  4. The continuous decrease in appetite would lead to an obvious and noticeable weight loss.
  5. Users usually find it hard to sleep.
  6. To get rid of inhibition and paranoia, users may drink more and more.
  7. Users also experience a rise in blood pressure.
  8. Hypertension increases the risk of heart attacks.
  9. The use of cocaine causes an increase in body temperature thus large quantities result in overheating and body strokes.
  10. Increase in sexual desire.
  11. Experiencing Anosmia or loss of sense of smell, either total or partial.
  12. The user might be inclined to other drugs to get more pleasure and due to a lack of inhibition.
  13. Mental health gets affected. The user might get panic or might have depression and anxiety episodes afterward. 

How does Cocaine feel like after using for longer period?

Prolonged Cocaine use is challenging to overcome. Here are some of the important Cocaine after-effects:

  1. The most unpleasant after-effect of taking cocaine for a prolonged period is the opposite feelings of cocaine high. People may use cocaine high to feel more confident, happier, and to socialize. But they might experience sadness and withdrawal from people. These opposites are so irritating for the addictives who take cocaine to feel good.   
  2. Due to chemical readjustments in the brain, the most dangerous after-effects of cocaine use are depression, fear, and severe anxiety
  3. The anxiety and paranoia attack back the user; therefore the user might encounter INSOMNIA making it very hard to sleep.
  4. As the dug is no longer in the body system, so dehydration combines with headache making it difficult for the user to adjust without the drug.
  5. The general feeling of sickness and dehydration causes the person to drink a lot.
  6. The headache also causes sensitivity to light and sound.
  7. Due to insomnia, pain, and readjustment; the user might experience mood swings and get irritated.
  8. Irregular food pattern is also one of the main after-effects of cocaine. The user might want more food or no food at all.
  9. The drug stimulates the heart to beat speedily. The body needs to readjust without the stimulant.
  10. If the user sniffs the drug, he/she might suffer from nose pain.

Factors affecting the period, danger and intensity of cocaine comprise of:

  1. How pure is the drug itself?
  2. The dose of the drug taken by the person.
  3. What is the route of administration? Whether the person is smoking cocaine, using needles routes or nasal insufflation, etc.
  4. Is there any other dug present in the body at the time of taking cocaine?
  5. Is the person a new user or is it an addicted one? This determines the level of tolerance in the human body.

Cocaine – How to Deal with Addiction?

It’s important to know the harmful and dangerous effects of a drug.

  Many people face peer pressure to try some drug, they could be easily trapped if they are unaware of the fact that what it can do to their brain and body.  Also, an addictive person can be helped by clearly communicating the damaging features of cocaine.

Cocaine users turn back to it to avoid the after high effects and euphoria, and also being highly addictive.

Addiction to any drug is so harmful and injurious to health. There are many ways to deal with the drug.

Be patient, be honest, and respect privacy. Tell them it’s not bad to seek professional help. Remember, it takes time to overcome addiction, so don’t expect a sudden change.

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