Empathy is the capacity to be able to experience others’ emotional states, feel sympathetic toward them, and take their perspective.

In other words, we help others because we experience any unpleasant feelings they are experiencing vicariously and we want to help bring their negative feelings to an end. there are many examples of empathy in a sentence.

This is unselfish because it leads us to offer help for no extrinsic reason but it is also selfish in one sense, since the behavior of assisting others help us, too. It can make us feel better.

two persons hold each others hand-empathy in a sentence

Empathy Altruism Hypothesis

It suggests that at least some prosocial acts are motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need.

Such motivation can be sufficiently strong that the helper is willing to engage in unpleasant, dangerous, and even life-threatening activities.

Components of Empathy:

Research findings indicate that empathy consists of three distinct components:

Emotional Aspect:

Emotional empathy involves sharing the feelings and emotions of others.

Cognitive Aspect:

It involves perceiving others thoughts and feelings accurately.

Empathic accuracy:

It is also known as empathic concern, which involves feelings of concern for another’s well-being.

This distinction is important because it appears that the three components are related to different aspects of behavior and have different long-term effects.

A woman hold his kid-empathy in a sentence

Empathic Joy: Helping As An Accomplishment

It is generally true that it feels good to have a positive effect on other people.

This fact is reflected in the empathic joy hypothesis,  which suggests that helpers enjoy the positive reactions shown by others whom they help.

For instance, do you recall how good it felt seeing someone you care about smile and show pleasure when you gave them a gift?

That is an example of empathic joy.

An important implication of this idea is that it is crucial for the person who helps to know that his or her actions had a positive impact on the victim.

 If helping were based entirely on emotional empathy or empathic concern, feedback about its effects would be irrelevant since we know that we “did good” and that should be enough.

Empathy in a sentence-we should heal others pain

How Does Empathy Develop?

People differ a great deal in how they respond to the emotional distress of others.

At one extreme are those willing to risk their lives to help another person.

At the other extreme are those who enjoy inflicting pain and humiliation on a helpless victim.

Most individual characteristics, the answer seems to lie in a combination of biological differences and contrasting experiences.

A highway road-empathy in a sentence

Empathy In A Sentence:

  1. Sara has great empathy with the poor.
  2. As a father, I can feel empathy being away from my children.
  3. The doctors should develop empathy between him and patients.
  4. I understand very well why John and his Son should have moved me to such deeply felt empathy for poor Florence.
  5. Parents need much more empathy and appreciation.
  6. There is a strange empathy between the old man and his granddaughter.
  7. Prime minister has great empathy with masses.
  8. We should combine our compassion and empathy with being helpful.
  9. Empathy brings joy and happiness when we help others.
  10. maha has a strong sense of empathy she will be a very effective marriage counselor.


Empathy in a sentence cannot be described easily. We should develop empathy in our behavior.

Emotional reactions that are focused on or oriented toward other people and include feelings of compassion sympathy and concern.

some prosocial acts motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need.

we must treat others in a way we want to someone treat us.

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